Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bioman power

Friendship is a wonderful thing. There's a certain power that comes from knowing that, if you mess up, your friends will be there to pick you up when you fall. There's also power that comes from the feeling you get from picking your friends up.
You might think that friends and family are the same. Well, in some ways they are. In others, though, they aren't the same at all. For example, most people can't choose their family. Almost everyone chooses their own friends, though. So, in that way, a lot of people feel closer to their friends than to certain family members.

Some people are so close to their best friends that they can even sense when those friends are hurt, lying, in danger, sick or generally stressed. Those are feelings and instincts that can save lives. For example, I was the first one to realize that my best friend had a gambling problem. Members of her family had no idea.
For the most part, what goes around comes around. So, if you treat your friends with respect and love, they'll do the same for you. That's the best way to make sure that you all achieve that unique power that comes from love, friendship, loyalty and trust. That's the power of true friendship.

To Rolando ''PADDY'' Villareal Jr. a.k.a Katy Perry
(picture at the center)
We'll miss you but will always be friends.For all the joy and laughters that you brought to the team.
For the Dance Movements and Singing performances we will always remember.
We Love You PADDY.

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